Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A new direction...

After a lot of prayer and seeking counsel, we have decided we are going to be moving on from Camp Redcloud at the end of the summer season (September). We have greatly enjoyed our time here in Colorado and will always hold close all the wonderful people we have grown so close to. (We will miss you all!)

With our growing family and with the direction God seems to be pointing us in we will hopefully be moving closer to our families, either in Texas (Gabe's family) or Pennsylvania (Heather's family). We pray that God will continue to open doors there, especially with housing and employment and greatly appreciate your prayers!

Until our departure, we are looking for people who would be willing to partner with us financially. Our goal is to raise $8,000 during this time period (est. $1,000 a month). We ask that you would please pray and consider if God would be leading you in this area, either with a one-time gift or month commitment.

(how to send support...see bottom of page)

Thank you all so much, and again, we are so grateful for your support and prayers!!

Prayer Requests:
- that we may continue serving here at Redcloud till September, and finish out strong!
- for all the new staff that is coming in a few weeks to serve!
- for His continued protection in the coming seasons
- for clear direction with housing and employment after September.
- for the needed financial support.


TINA! said...

now i have a reason to visit the east!