Thursday, June 4, 2009


It is amazing how much I promise myself I am going to update everyone and blog... and how little it happens. Lol, which is usually why a lot of my posts start up with apologies with not writing soon lol... oh well.

Ahh our life lately.... busy!! Goodness, Gabe and I were finally able to sit down together last night, which ended up us falling asleep talking lol. Of course it was almost 11pm. Oh the days when we could pull all nighters then wake up to go to work the next day.
Anyways, Gabe has started his new job at Texas CellNet as a techniction. (internet service) Much to his surprise he has climbed quite a few towers already, not to mention the 2 on his first day! lol (thanks to rock climbing in Colorado he is already ahead of the other guys already) Altho I didn't expect to see him in a harness again! He is liking it alot and is learning so much! Which is nice cause his last job he was SOO bored... and oh a lot of days they didn't have enough work so he would spend it digging a ditch or raking leaves. I mean come on. All the guys at work have enjoyed hazing Gabe a little, after all he is the "new guy". It is all fun tho... but I can now expect if I get any call from Gabe during the day to have a running commentary or shouting in the background from his partner in crime, Justin. It is rather funny.

The other day Gabe and Justin came here to work on our tower (yay for FAST, FREE internet...yay perks) and Chester really got a kick out of watching Papa climbing the tower. Chester kept looking up very confused as to why Papa was up there... which he explained to me by pointing and yelling very excitedly... lol, it was really funny to watch.

(okay I have rotated this pic twice... not sure why it is being so lazy)

Also with this new we have health care... YAY! I am so tired of paying for medical bills. Defintily feeling a little more secure now and not so worried about something bad happening and no way to pay it.

Chester... already 11 months!! Where has the time gone! I can't believe we are coming up on his first birthday already... seems like just yesterday I was waiting around (very grumpy) for him to come already!!
I am so proud of him... he is learning so fast. His new found freedom in standing and now running in his walker makes him so excited. Oh course now it seems like it is in the split second momma turns away that he is into something again. I tell ya I just need a sterilized padded room ;) We know he is going to be just like Gabe tho with being tall... as Chester is already in 18 month clothes! And with the amount of food he has been inhaling I am sure it will just continue. I think he has also had a renewed discovery of his vocal cords... as you usually always know where he is. And also when he is getting into something because it will get very quiet lol.

Oh and I have to share... Chester LOVES music! If he is in a bad mood all I have to do is turn on some tunes and he is smiling, laughing, and dancing all around. It is SO cutelol. I will have to tape his "head bobble" he does and post it soon! He is my lil happy boy... and even when he isn't feeling well or teething, he usually has a smile :)

As for me... lately I have been sorting through editing pictures. From the last two weddings I shot, I have had over 5,000 pictures to go through. Tho it is taking me awhile, esp since I got sick in the middle of it, I LOVE it! Shooting weddings are like my high. Seriously the warm fuzzies are there too lol. Even tho it can be up to 8 hours on my feet and going, goin, goin... it is a highlight. It amazes me how when I shoot a wedding I begin it with clients, and end it with friends. It is wonderful. Tho I usually always tear up during the ceremony and reception... to be able to catch those moments for them... ahh priceless. I can't wait till I can shoot more weddings soon. It is definitly giving me more confidence with my art... to where I am not so nervous anymore and really have a lot of fun!

My next wedding (so far) is at the end of August. I am really stoked about this wedding, because not only is it a good friend of mine, but they are flying me back to PA to do it. Which works out just great as we are thinking we will be able to make it into a trip to see my family! It has been about 6 months since Chester and I saw everyone... and over a year since Gabe has... so it is about time!! I think they are going to be so amazed at how much Chester has grown! I am so excited :)

Well, I have more to write but Chester is yelling "mama" from his crib as a sign he is awake, so I am off for now!

Cheers all and hope you are having a great day!!



My life can get pretty crazy sometimes, said...

I love your blog Heath, and I'm glad you blogged!! =D
Your wedding pictures are AMAZING!! When Ryan and I renew our vows I want you to be our photographer. =D